Techniques you should know: what kind of second-hand house to buy, easy loan, easy installment

techniques you should know
What type of second-hand house to buy? Easy loan, easy installment.

The second-hand house trend is becoming very popular nowadays as modern renovate people turn to come up with improvement ideas. Decorate the house to look beautiful And arrange the space to suit the lifestyle or life style nowadays. But in the second-hand home market, there are some houses that are difficult to borrow – not easy either. Today we will introduce techniques for recommending a second-hand home loan that will make it easy to get through loans and easy installment payments. Let's try to follow What are the conditions? Let's see.

1. Know the value
First of all, to get a home loan easily, it is necessary to understand the price mechanism of the house first. that the house that we will buy Or will it be sold? How much "value" is it? People who are unable to borrow more than 90% is overestimating the value of the house. Assessment method A simple value is to find the land appraisal price + the building appraisal price. These prices we can find from the Treasury Department website by taking the title deed number to find the land price per square wa, and find the usable area of the house x the construction cost.

When getting the combined price, it will be called “cost price” for us x 2 approximately, it will be the bank's appraised value, which the selling price is already lower than this appraised price. You can be sure that The loan will definitely get the full amount.

But if the sale price is higher than the appraised price, it may be necessary to consider whether the renovated house uses materials that help increase construction price value more?

If we know this value, it can be said that the chances of getting a full loan will be very high.

2. Know your bank's preferences.

each bank will support Different occupations, to get a home loan to get a good amount of money, you should choose a bank that is suitable for your own career field, such as
Orange and pink banks are conducive to government careers.
The Blue Bank is conducive to state enterprise lines.
green and blue banks conducive to business
Purple Bank is conducive to middle credit people.
Foreign banks are conducive to special occupations, etc.

If we know and choose a bank that is suitable for one's career Having someone to help prepare documents to make a good case will make the approval limit go up to 100%- 110% ever.

3. Discipline yourself
in applying for a home loan is to take bank money Come to use first and pay in installments. for a long time Having good discipline will result in people lending money or banks giving high "values". These things are called creating wealth for borrowers. And also resulted in lower "interest" in installments as well

The principle of creating wealth is not difficult, but it's not easy. Just have fixed deposits or monthly cooperative deposits (you don't need to have a lot, but there should be 5% – 10% of income) deducted and stored for more than 6 months, it will make score wealth is now higher

4. Know how to write a purchase and sale contract

Good buy and sell contract documents will help the loan amount reasonable approval Because in addition to the above 3 items, writing a contract to buy and sell It is considered necessary for approval as well, for example, buying a house for 7 million, but the contract for booking, making a contract, making only 10,000. No real bookings And hit that the house price is not suitable for the approved amount

Normally, writing a contract to buy and sell Should be done at about 1% – 5% of the house price, will make the contract look weighty. And the purchase price seems more reasonable.

   From the 4 items above, if before buying a house, you have done your homework before. I can assure you that Getting a second-hand home loan will be a lot easier. Get both high loan amount And low interest, comfortable installments, exactly the way you want

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