9 family of vegetable gardens that are easy to grow and do not require much care

…….For those who have space around the house May want to organize a green area that in addition to adding freshness and
It's easy on the eyes. Someone who likes to go to the kitchen It is also like a corner where the ingredients are sourced for cooking. Today we will introduce 9 types of vegetables.
Easy to grow, fast growing, suitable for cooking to fill the stomach, also safe from toxins. There will be any kind, then let's see.
1️⃣  sweet basil🌿
……..Basil is considered a standard ingredient that is used to make popular dishes such as stir-fried basil. Even though it is known as a desperation menu, but did you know that basil is an herb that has many properties? And can also make a variety of menus, including boiled, stir-fried, curry, fried, but with basil having a unique smell So some people may not like it. And often may be left on the side of the plate often, which has 3 varieties of basil: red basil, white basil and basil, a hybrid between red and white basil It also has medicinal benefits. Whether in part leaves, flowers, stems, seeds, roots All of them have many properties, namely:
✅ to keep the body warm prevent flu
✅ Helps relieve nausea and vomiting.
✅ Helps expel gas in the stomach, relieve colic
Tighten the stomach, reduce the level of fat in the body. lowering blood sugar prevent diabetes
✅ Helps to deodorize the fishy smell of meat.
✅ Helps to inhibit the growth of germs.
……in the roots that lead Let's boil drinking water as medicine.
sweating in malaria patients
every part of that tree It is also a drug to increase milk in women.
After esophageal excretion, milk can relieve chronic fever as well. I know about the benefits and properties of basil leaves of this size. It's very suitable for buying or growing during this period. Because at this time our body needs immunity, not easily infected with the virus. Therefore, eating herbs Therefore, it is another equally interesting option.
2️⃣  bitter🌶️
………Hot weather and spicy food It is an accompaniment to Thai people of every era, every time, and chili can also be used as an ingredient in cooking a variety of dishes, just the “Nam Prik” menu in Thailand itself, there are more than 50 types, or can be used as a side dish. Fresh as well. The spiciness of chili comes from a substance called "capsaicin", which is abundant in the white core membrane. (Is the most spicy part), the shell and seeds will contain less of this substance. It is often mistaken for the seeds and skin to be the spiciest part. Which chili is not the only spiciness. There are also many benefits such as
✅ help lose weight
✅ Helps appetite
✅ expel phlegm, make breathing easier
✅ eye care
✅ strengthen immunity
✅ lowering blood sugar
✅ Stimulates endorphins relax
✅ Contains vitamin C and beta-carotene.
✅ reduce cancer risk
✅ reduce the risk of heart disease
not only that Because, as we have said, eating chili also helps control cholesterol levels.
By preventing the liver from making bad cholesterol. resulting in lower levels of triglycerides Therefore having a good effect on the heart and health, so if we eat chili regularly, it will reduce the risk of heart disease to some extent.
3️⃣  spring onion🧅
……..If talking about onions Of course, no one would know of course. Although the name says "Ton Hom", but the smell and pungent smell does not smell like the name at all. Leek, a vegetable that many people overlook its benefits. Maybe it's because we only think it's a vegetable with a strong smell, but who knew that a small plant like this? Its benefits are so many that it's unexpected. Which the benefits and properties from the onion are
✅ contains essential oils relieve cold symptoms
✅ Contains anti-cancer flavonoids Help prevent constipation. and reduce cholesterol in the bloodstream
✅ Helps fight free radicals and stimulates the immune system for the body.
✅ Reduce the risk of osteoporosis because it contains calcium and phosphorus.
✅ prevent anemia
✅ Use a pomegranate mask to treat insect bites and stings.
✅ Stimulate lactation, increase milk
…… When knowing the properties of the onion like this
I believe that many people would not overlook it like the past. come for sure Although spring onions may not be the main part of any dish, their benefits and value are no less than other vegetables.
4️⃣  basil🪴
……Basil itself may not be a favorite for everyone because it is considered a vegetable that smells, but it is considered a semi-herb vegetable, which basil leaves have essential oils that give a unique aroma. by the thyme There are both benefits and interesting medicinal properties such as
✅ toothache relief
✅ help appetite
✅ Relieves headaches, colds, coughs
✅ help digestion Solve flatulence - flatulence
✅ Distort, help drain
✅ helps to feel calm
✅ Reduce plaque and cholesterol in the blood
✅ increase milk supply for nursing mothers
Breastfeeding and plus the thyme Still able to repel mosquitoes
By bringing the basil leaves to boil in water for about
 2-3 hours, then add 110 ml of vodka.
 Mix it up, then pour it into a spray bottle.
Mosquito repellent spray, but it's not the only advantage. There are dangers too. Thyme essential oil may cause allergic reactions. Therefore, people who use it should avoid itching and wash with water immediately.
5️⃣  coriander🌱
 ………At this hour, any Thai vegetable is not as expensive as coriander!
Vegetables that don't seem to matter There is no main menu.
I can do it only as a supporting factor in many things.
a dish that, when it comes to taste would be specific
Really, some people might like it. Some people may not like it. because its smell is strong enough However, coriander can be used to make any part of the dish. from coriander seeds, coriander leaves, coriander stems
or coriander stalks to coriander roots plus benefits
There are also many of them.
✅ Help reduce blood sugar. therefore suitable for diabetic patients and those who are losing weight
✅ prevent colds
✅ Relieves thirst
✅ Against intestinal pathogens
✅ Helps expel gas in the stomach
✅ contains antioxidants reduce the risk
in cancer
✅ a mild laxative helps to excrete fluently
even more
✅ Relieve dizziness / nourish eyesight
✅ Stimulates blood work and muscles, although coriander has a unique smell that is quite pungent But don't worry. The smell of coriander is said to be excreted through the urine. But still, you shouldn't eat too much. Because no matter what kind of food is good If you eat too much, it can also be a penalty.
6️⃣  lemon grass🌾
………Lemongrass, an herb near the kitchen that we have used to cook for a long time. It is a useful herb and can help alleviate the symptoms of some diseases. But do you know that in fact, under the hard and sharp leaves of lemongrass, there are many benefits that are unexpected? Let's go see the benefits of lemongrass that you already know and be amazed. Anyone who likes the scent of it will definitely love this herb even more.
✅ rich in vitamins
✅ help repel insects
✅ Detoxification
✅ help digestion
✅ Helps repair and nourish the nervous system
✅ helps treat inflammation
✅ Help nourish the skin.
…..Lemongrass is an herb rich in antioxidants. So it can help nourish your skin. make your skin glow It also helps to make your skin always look younger. And help reduce acne as well. Lemongrass is an herb that has many health benefits. And is an herb that we should not ignore. Therefore, if you want to be healthy too
Herbs Lemongrass is also a good choice.
It can also be planted as a garden plant in the house fence as well.
7️⃣  tomato🍅
………Is a tomato a vegetable or a fruit? Usually, most people tend to misunderstand that tomatoes are vegetables because they are mostly used in cooking. And often think that fruit is what gives sweetness. The most popular tomatoes are tomato queen tomato beef tomatoes In addition to being the most commonly eaten fruit There are still many benefits of tomatoes. Because it is rich in many vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. Tomatoes are also rich in lycopene. which is a compound in the carotenoid group It is an antioxidant that may help protect cells from deterioration due to free radicals. It may also help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. or cancer which has many benefits
✅ Helps nourish the skin to be moisturized, bright, not dry.
✅ Contains anti-oxidants that help reduce and slow down the aging process.
✅ Tomato juice helps to refresh the body.
✅ Helps to strengthen the body's defenses
✅ Contains vitamin A which helps nourish eyesight.
✅ Tomatoes help in treating acne and making the skin firm and bright. By bringing tomato juice to mask the face or slice thinly and then apply to the face, etc.
……Caution in eating tomatoes especially fresh tomatoes May be contaminated with chemicals and pesticides. Therefore, it is a good idea to buy tomatoes from a reliable source and should be washed well every time before eating.
8️⃣ lemon🍋
……..Expensive summer lemon In winter, lemons are cheap, but if you plant them yourself, you won't waste any money. The lemon is one of the citrus fruits. which in addition to being used to cook and add sour taste The fruit, peel, water and oil from the skin of the lemon are also used. It is also a source of vitamin C. and other minerals such as potassium, calcium and phosphorus in terms of medicinal properties Lemon helps to expel phlegm, cure cough, cure scurvy, etc.
The nutritional benefits of lemons are as follows:
✅ cure nausea
✅ Kidney stones
✅ cold
✅ cure cough, sore throat
✅ scurvy
✅ cancer/gout /malaria/diabetes
✅weight loss/constipation
✅ Treat acne/help whiten skin
✅ Teeth whitening / treat black mouth / reduce bad breath
✅ dandruff
….The right amount of use or consumption of lemon depends on many factors such as the age and health of the user. If it is a dietary supplement, follow the directions on the label strictly and be sure to consult a specialist before use. Don't be sure just because it's a natural ingredient.
9️⃣  water spinach🌿
……… Morning glory, one of the vegetables that are easy to find. It's not just delicious. But it is also rich in health benefits that must be challenged to try. Morning glory is a vegetable that is easy to grow. Most of them can be found in wetlands or on the surface of the water. There are many varieties of morning glory. In Thailand, there are 3 types of morning glory that we know and eat, namely Thai morning glory, Chinese morning glory, and morning glory. I can say that morning glory is a vegetable that should not be missed. Because morning glory has many medicinal properties as follows
✅ insomnia treatment
✅ Nourish the blood
✅ nourish the liver
✅ lowering blood sugar
✅ cure constipation, help lose weight
✅ reduce cholesterol
✅ Morning glory helps nourish eyesight.
✅ Prevent heart disease and fight cancer.
……There are also many benefits that are almost impossible to count. It can be said that there are plenty of good things from this morning glory. It can be called another type of super food that has it all. However, one should be careful about eating. Because this morning glory has a mild laxative effect, eating too much may cause diarrhea.
These 9 types of vegetables are considered vegetables at home. They should be found to grow because they are all easy to grow. Use less space and unobtrusive care but yielded results to be proud of and can also be used to cook a variety of dishes Therefore, if thinking of buying a house, try to allow space for growing vegetables for yourself. In the era of famine In addition to saving also have good health

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