How to calculate yield

What is Yield!?️

✅ One of the words that many people have heard of.

✅ Yield (Yield), one of the real estate terms that means return on investment, renting
which is the heart of real estate investment 💵💸💵

✅ Today, Chewa Rental Services will talk about Rental Yield.

✅Rental Yield is the rate of return from renting.

Which is divided into 3 types: ❤️‍🔥

✅Gross Rental Yield is the initial rental rate of return.
💵Calculation formula: ((Rental x 12 months)➗ Purchased property price) x 100 = Yield(%)

✅Net Rental Yield is the net rental yield.
💵Calculation formula: ((rent x 12 months) - yearly expenses)➗ property price purchased) x 100 = Yield(%)

✅Cash on Cash Rental Yield is the rate of return from cash rental in the year.
💵Calculation formula: ((Rental x 12 months)- Yearly bank installments - Yearly expenses)➗ Purchased property price) x 100 = Yield(%)

⭕️ Calculations help investors set rental prices in line with market conditions and location of the project 🏦

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